Welcome to Options Crockpot! We know the stock market can feel like a casino sometimes, so we created this tool to help you understand the odds. By looking back at historical data, we give you a sense of how often certain price movements have happened in the past. Remember, past performance doesn't guarantee future results, but it's still fun to see the numbers and maybe gain some insight into how the market works. Enjoy, and stay tuned for more tools to help you navigate the market!


Q: How does this tool work?

A: It calculates how much the stock needs to moon for you to not lose your shirt. Then it checks how often that’s happened in the past decade. Spoiler: probably not often enough to save your portfolio. 🧮

Q: I thought past performance doesn’t affect future changes?

A: Wow, you’ve got 200 IQ. You probably don’t need this tool to calculate anything. Of course it doesn’t, but I made this tool to help me cope and hold onto my weeklies and dailies when I’m getting reamed. 🤡

Q: What’s the worst part of this tool?

A: It thinks in daily units, so if you buy a daily an hour before expiration, it’ll act like you have a whole day left. Numbers will be off, just like your trading strategy. ⏰

Q: Where does the money go?

A: If you apes donate, I’ll get a stock API subscription to autofill prices and add more tickers for you to lose money on. 💸

Q: Where does MY money go though?

A: Donate here: https://buymeacoffee.com/optionscrockpot. Add your favorite ticker in the notes, and I’ll throw it in the crockpot for you. Join the discord: https://discord.gg/2k7V7Jve 🐒

Roadmap: What’s next for this dumpster fire?

  • Adding more tickers so you can lose money on different stocks. 📈
  • Getting minute-by-minute data so you can watch your dailies expire worthless in real-time. ⌛
  • Integrating with a stock API because apparently, some of you still have money left to burn. 🔥
  • Launching more tools to fuel your gambling addiction. 🎰